This decision has been approved by ECMI’s supervisory body, i.e. the Swiss Federal Department of the Interior. Prof. Urio has accepted to continue to develop the cooperation with Chinese Universities and official authorities on a personal basis. During the last years of activity ECMI foundation had already re-oriented its activities, by focusing less on training programmes, and more on the cooperation with outstanding Chinese universities, namely Tsinghua and Renmin in Beijing. This has resulted in the publication of several books and articles that can be found on page 4 of Paolo Urio CV (see link below)
Paolo Urio remains faithful to the original goals of the ECMI, i.e. to contribute to the development of a new class of leaders who are committed to:
- building a more just society,
- more efficient in the creation and the distribution of wealth,
- more respectful of the environment
- and of the aspirations of the Chinese people.
In this site you will find (under “What’s New””) the information given until the end of 2011 by the ECMI foundation site.
Paolo Urio
CV in English